Online Etiquette

Online Etiquette, or "Netiquette," is a code of good behavior for using the internet. Click HERE to learn more about Netiquette.

Manage Your Online Reputation

Watch this video from Google for Education to learn about how the information you put online (messages, social media posts, etc.) can influence your reputation.

T.H.I.N.K. before you Post

Remember, when you post something online, whether it is a picture or a comment, it NEVER goes away. It can be found years later, even if you have deleted it. Therefore, it is important to T.H.I.N.K. before you Post.

T = is it TRUE?

H = is it HELPFUL?

I = is it INSPIRING?

N = is it NECESSARY?

K = is it KIND?

When you T.H.I.N.K. before you post, you are being a good digital citizen.

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